Friday, April 3, 2009

Healthy Eating

Yo!!I just found out we got to post about healthy eating,so i decided to post!(And yes,i have partcipated in the Earth Hour).Firstly,to be healthy,we got to eat food that not that oily,with vegatables and blend.Many adults and children like to eat food and oily with no vegetables.In the end,they are fat,unhealthy and often get sick.If you are healthy,you won't be easily sick,and you also won't be often missing class.Obviously,90% of the people won't eat any vegetables and fruits as it doesn't taste nice.Eating fruits and vegetables is a good way to eat healthily, as both contain a truckload of vitamins each. I may like to eat certain fruits, but vegetables... Let's say I'm not such a fan of vegetables, apart from broccoli and lettuce. I do support the school's campaign in encouraging pupils to eat more fruits and vegetables as it will enhance them with better body.Some posters in the school might help.Bye!!!!!!

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