Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ndp Show

Hey!I am going to share my experience of the Ndp Show i went on saturday.First of all, we went to school and waited for the bus while listening to the NDP theme songs. When we went to the Marina Bay, it was quite warm but i could endure it. We were given a Fun Pack that had a Macdonald's meal, tattoos, packet drinks, a cap,snacks, national flag and much more in it. We managed to reach the Marina Bay stage in time even though the bus was late.
The hosts, including Adrian Pang, Jean Danker and Michelle Chong, arrived in jet skis and greeted us warmly. We were seated in different sections, (We were in the yellow section) so the motivaters and hosts could lead us easily.
The first performance was performed by dancers and disabled people in wheelchairs. They were dressed in purple costumes. It showed that despite their disability, they still overcame the challengeand performed well.
The next performance was by some cheerleaders. They were wearing blue and yellow costumes and did stunts to catchy music.
Then the soldiers and uniformed groups in Singapore came marching in orderly. They formed the word "NDP 08". They must have practiced very hard in order to give such a neat performance.A soldier representing the cabinet ministers came out carrying a signboard saying "CM" (meaning Cabinet Ministers).
The performance by the Red Lions and Black Knights was very interesting!The Red Lions flew gracefully across the sky.my palm was sweating when the two black knight almost collide each other!

The next was the most interesting!the fireworks!the 'boom' and the colourful fireworks makes it the best!

finally,the boring part...the waiting of bus.i was almost fall asleep while waiting,however,i was chatting with rayden and arief while waiting to kill time.we arrived school at about 1opm.i really enjoyed the Ndp08 show!!!

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